
Cleaning the Kitchen Sink

You use the kitchen sink to clean the dishes, but what do you use to clean the sink? You would think that it would be one of the cleanest areas of the kitchen, but grime and bacteria love to lurk in damp areas, and the kitchen sink is prime real estate. Follow these few quick cleaning tips to keep your sink grime-free.
Try to avoid using harsh chemical cleaners when cleaning your sink. Not only are they toxic if ingested (do you really want remnants of chemicals where you cook your food?), but they can be very expensive. You can make homemade cleaners using common household items. It’s more environmentally friendly, and more cost-effective. Abrasive sponges should also be avoided because it can scratch the surface of your sink.
What You’ll Need:
Liquid Dishwashing Soap
Baking Soda
Distilled White Vinegar
Lemon Juice
Rags or soft sponges
Old toothbrush
1. Wet the entire surface of your sink. Sprinkle baking soda all over the sink and use the rag or sponge to rub in until it forms a paste. Baking soda makes a great sink cleaner because it's abrasive enough to scrub away light hard water deposits and stuck-on grease and food, but not so abrasive as to scratch fixtures like faucets. And because it's a food product, you don't have to worry about chemical residues coming in contact with your dishes or food.
2. Use the toothbrush to scoop up some of the baking soda paste and gently scrub the caulk rim around the top of your sink. Rinse, repeat, and wipe with a soft rag until the rag comes clean. For your garbage disposal, use this technique to clean the rubber flap, gently inverting it so you can also clean the underside. You'd be surprised about the amount of grime and bacteria hiding under there! Don’t forget to clean the sink strainers and any other sink pieces.
3. After you’ve finished scrubbing with the baking soda, spray the entire surface with the distilled white vinegar and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Vinegar is a natural antibacterial agent, so it’s perfect for the kitchen. Plus, vinegar’s acidity is great for dissolving calcium deposits and water spots.
4. Rinse the entire sink with liquid dishwashing soap and water, making sure that you remove all baking soda residue from the surface. Then wipe the sink dry with a clean cloth.
5. To disinfect your garbage disposal, pour a half a cup of baking soda down the drain. Add one cup of a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice on top of the baking soda. Allow this mixture to sit for a few minutes. While you’re waiting, boil a kettle of water. Once it’s boiled, pour it down the drain to rinse away the mixture, leaving your drain bacteria free.

Do you have any tried-and-true cleaning tactics? Let us know on our Facebook page!